The average house price on GRESHAM COURT is £1,447,785
The most expensive house in the street is 1 GRESHAM COURT with an estimated value of £1,761,061
The cheapest house in the street is 4 GRESHAM COURT with an estimated value of £1,109,539
The house which was most recently sold was 4 GRESHAM COURT, this sold on 12 Nov 2020 for £950,000
The postcode for GRESHAM COURT is HP4 3BB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GRESHAM COURT Detached £1,761,061 £470,000 28 Jul 2000
2 GRESHAM COURT Detached , 176 m2 £1,216,612 £880,000 22 Jan 2016
3 GRESHAM COURT Detached , 238 m2 £1,727,769 £1,200,000 28 Aug 2015
4 GRESHAM COURT Detached , 235 m2 £1,109,539 £950,000 12 Nov 2020
5 GRESHAM COURT Detached £1,423,947 £270,000 27 Mar 1997